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I have to disagree with you my friend. Speaking as someone who was a dedicated MMO player for many years. I can truthfully attest to the fact that yes these two groups do exist. That particular genre due to its size and nature can support both groups. I can also attest to the fact that they want dramatically different things, and that there is even a degree of racism. Yes hardcore gamers look down on casual gamers.

I would also say that most people in this thread that say they are hardcore are hardly core, or barely beyond casual. Ironically most hardcore players will actually brag about how hardcore they are right after they say they are hardcore. They will tell you stories of their exploits. Among their favorites are play sessions. Warning to the wise anything under fifteen hours straight is pathetic. Hardcore games seem to love to binge.

Casual players on the other hand seem to be more well casual. I have seen casual players literally go hard over decorating a in game house, or will freely confess that they turned down the difficulty, or even went to find a guide for the first level of a game.

I know you want to adapt a Wii philosophy to all of gaming, but its simply not true. You cannot just jam these two groups together unless you allow for ample room, and more importantly the consequence is you create a shitty experience for both. You make a game easy for casual players to grasp, and the hardcore players feel insulted. You make the game deep enough to satisfy the hardcore, and the casuals get confused and quit. There is no middle ground here it has been tried, and its not really there unless your looking for a short term experience.

I have seen too many hardcore gamers go on tirades about care bears. I know how serious many in that particular segment take their gaming. Which might be lost on casual gamers, but it is there, and its a fire that burns as hot as the sun.