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tedsteriscool said:
Xoj said:
kowenicki said:
......and sony stole it from my cd collection..... i might sue!

Get real people, its a tune like any other tune, Sony dont own it. Do people think those songs are original songs just for the game? lol.

PS. good album... go buy it.

actually they do, its from columbia records

which is owned by sony music.


No, he is not! You are pwned

Thunder, Lightning, Strike is the debut album by The Go! Team. It was released on British label Memphis Industries in 2004

The Go! Team re-release the album again with Columbia Records, but Columbia Records don't hold the rights for any song!

The Go! Team didn't continue working with Columbia Records and labels for their second album - Proof of Youth are:

Memphis Industries (U.K.)
Sub Pop (U.S.)
Secret City (Canada)