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jman8 said:
i dunno how the DS sales are gonna skyrocket when there's barely enough supply to meet the current demand. The DS should get more publicity tho as you say. Thing is, the PSP and DS market are just so different that I don't think they overlap as much as you make it seem. Basically, I don't think the people that were seriously considering the PSP are going to immediately rush out and get a DS because of Pokemon. Anyway, we'll have to wait and see how the PSP price cut affects sales, but in April I'm expecting it to do just as well as the 360, which should have a good month with the release of the Elite.

 Which just goes to show the smaller portion of the market that is governed by 'harcore' 'mature' gamers if the PSP is supposed to be suited them does it not?

But saying that they are suited to different markets and they aren't competing against each other directly is a moot argument, GameCube had a different market than the PS2 did it not? It was aimed at a different subsection of the market but that still means the PS2 kicked the GameCube's arse.  

The problem with the difference in install base is the amount of money that devs can make on either console, having TWICE the user base when you are at the 20's of millions point is a big deal.

What does it matter that people that were considering a PSP wont go and buy a DS? Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people will be upgrading from GBA to DS because of Pokemon... many GBA's were sold SIMPLY for people to play Pokemon on... there is no disputing the fact that Pokemon is going to be huge for DS.  However it might just serve to raise the demand for a console that is already so hard to come by.  I really wonder if Nintendo are going to raise production, I don't even know if they physically can... they are selling probably 1.5mil DS a month WW at the current rate and that can only increase.  Maybe they produce 2mil a month?