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CGI-Quality said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
CGI-Quality said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
CGI-Quality said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
CGI-Quality said:
Cryoakira said:
Euphoria14 said:
I am just giving a point of view from someone in my position

(!! this is not an attack !!)

But isen't that the "problem". I may be wrong but the topic is about which online service is better, not "which one do you like the most according to your needs".

It's not a matter of use but rather features, like voice chat, Home, demos for all arcade games, dedicated server...

Right now, I think the Live is still above and moving in the right direction (social networking, free games...), minus those damn ads.

Right. LIVE is better in YOUR OPINION. The "problem" is, people post in absolutes and that's what he's getting at. It's irrelevant if you, or I think LIVE is better, he prefers PSN, which is why this is all opinionated.

My God, I can't believe I've had to post this so many times.

I think Cryoakira is right...It's not about Opinion...It's about Features...Live has features PSN has yet to implement...And PSN taxes DLC...Plus it cost 3rd parties money to support it...

Point? PSN has features, games, services LIVE does not. So what, it's still an opinion if someone likes PSN over LIVE and vice versa. It isn't factual that LIVE is greater/better than PSN or vice versa. Yes, it IS an opinion, not a fact.

Why can't people accept that?

Ok..The Web Browser....Besides that What features....Home?

Becuase your trying to defend PSN...And Not actually comparing the services....

And my Point is....That PSN does not have better feature than XBL...It's not my opinion...When Sony themselves say "Were no longer that much behind XBL" Is there more to disscuss?

With NetFlix and When last FM,Facebook rolls in....

You still have proven that everything you're posting is subjective, not factual. What I feel for PSN is irrelevant, what you feel for LIVE is irrelevant. Besides, if you actually read my posts, you'd see that I have defended people's right to be subjective. Not so much the services, per se...

This is what you're having a hard time understanding, that not everyone's opinion are the same, and everyone doesn't share your opinion that LIVE is better than PSN. You can't go around proclaiming that YOU thinking LIVE is better than PSN makes it factual, that's not realistic.

To end, I like LIVE's communications set up better. I prefer PSN's HOME, PSN games better. Does this prove that either is better than the other, no, because there are plenty of people who agree and disagree with me. Therefore, it's an opinion, not fact. Deal with it dude...

Btw, Sony didn't say that they thought LIVE was better than their service either, as you're implying. Why would they?

All you do is tell people that they should post unbaised and then disagree with them...

Not factual?...Right...I asked for a list of PSN features..

And you always talk about opinions...and how if some one post what they like it's only their opinion...

I have not simply posted that XBL is better..People were asked to pick one..And I picked XBL...

But now...

You still have yet to post any features that PSN has that are so good Live should have them...

"I don't think there's a lot of 'catch up' [with XBL] anymore. In some cases, I think we've got more, and we've got some other things they don't have," says TK. "In terms of strengths, of course we're still free, and we're giving you a lot for free."


Right. And others picked PSN, and it seems you're trying to tell them that they're wrong. That's what I have a problem with, you can't get on people for being subjective. It isn't a FACT that LIVE is better than PSN, rather an opinion.

For some one who tells people to Read post you sure miss alot...When Did I tell anyone that they were wrong..All I did was say I thought some dude had it right with his post..And you went into a flurry....I'll ask again....Why do people get chraged tax for DLC on PSN?