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Matchmaking is one of the major reasons I love Live. It is in the very backbone of the Live service. The TruSkill rankings system in Live Matchmaking is a great system. This is one of the reasons why I personally think it is great that Live provides a robust P2P system.

I enjoy the idea of having a match where it is you and a team versus another team. No random joiners once it starts. If you win, you know it was against the same people you started against. Once you have the idea of a match, you can then utilize a ranking system that is across all games, attached to your profile. You don't even realize it is under the hood. It just makes sure that you get placed in a game that is most likely to provide you with a great experience. After Halo 2's matchmaking system, I detest picking from a list of servers. Hell I even don't care for being randomly placed into a dedicated server(aka Battlefield 1943). This also goes hand in hand with the party system. Join up with some guys and go from match to match with your friends. If you have a group of 4, you will most likely be matched with other groups of 4. Each match will have completely different opponents as well, instead of the same group going from round to round.

It is this deeply ingrained idea of matches that I find most likable with Live. This also is helped by the fact that your party can go from game to game very easily with the way Live is set up. Your group of 4 can go from Halo 3 to Gears 2 to whatever you want with a touch of a button. Very expertly integrated.