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Domicinator said:
LordMatrix said:
outlawauron said:
Undying said:
Domicinator said:
This thread has done me a huge favor. I played SO4 earlier this year and ended up hating it by the end of the game. I'm working my way through IU now and like it better than I liked SO4. But this thread finally gave me the kick in the butt I needed to go pick up Lost Odyssey. I played it for three hours straight this afternoon and LOVED IT!!!!! I can't wait for my wife to get off the TV so I can play some more.

Oh dear Lord.

What? I agree with him. I enjoyed IU much more than SO4.

You joking right? SO:TLH is hundred times more fun then IU.  Both are good but Star Ocean beats it by miles.

Ok, I'll bite. 

First off, I'm a complete noob when it comes to JRPGs.  I've never been into them.  I have never played a Final Fantasy game, and I've never even played Pokemon.  So I'm coming at this with a completely fresh perspective. 

The trailers for Star Ocean: The Last Hope really made me want to buy the game.  The graphics looked awesome, the music sounded cool, and the storyline seemed epic.  I didn't realize that Lymle would be the most annoying thing I have ever seen/heard in a video game, or that all any of the characters would ever talk about is how we're all friends.  You're my friend, I'm your friend, we're all friends, can we be friends, blah blah blah blah.  It got so sickeningly sappy I couldn't stand it.  The CGI stuff looked pretty awesome, but the in-game graphics were pretty terrible a lot of the time AND the game was plagued by crashes during the end of the battles.  I found out when I was on the 3rd disc that if you turn the resolution down on your 360 it gets rid of the crashing, but that was too little too late.  If you're going to make a game that crashes so much, put save points more often than every 2 hours of gameplay.  One thing I will say about SO4 is that the combat was ALWAYS fun.  I never got sick of grinding and replaying areas, and I never got sick of tweaking my characters.  But the story was stupid, the dialogue was stupid, and the game in general just became boring.

With Infinite Undiscovery, which I'm only half way through right now, I feel like I'm playing a much more polished game.  The graphics aren't a whole lot better, but that's about the only complaint I have.  The dialoge, while still dumb at times, is at least a marked improvement over SO4.  I actually feel the need to pay attention to what they're saying because they're not all gushing about what good friends we are all the time.  And the story is actually a cool idea.  I actually care what happens at the end of this game.  By the end of SO4, I just wanted it to end.  I thanked my lucky stars that I beat the final boss on the second try.  All in all, IU feels like a more complete game with a more thought out story line and more complex characters. 

Just about 5 hours into Lost Odyssey, and I already can tell it's worlds better than both SO4 and IU.  The controls are a little annoying when walking around in some areas, but other than that, I am absolutely LOVING it so far.  I can already tell that it may become one of my favorite RPGs of all time.  The graphics are good, the story is good, the battles are fun, and the dialogue doesn't sound like a Japanese to English translation.

So I went from never playing JRPGs to owning three different ones all in one year.  Lost Odyssey is by far my favorite so far and I just started it yesterday.  Of course these are just my opinions.  I'm not begrudging you yours.

I understand where your coming from with cheesy characters because that little girl and the chick with wings really weren't nessesary. My biggest gripe with IU is how terrible the game was at hinting at where you had to go. I would have never beat that game if it wasn't for asking around in game forums for help. It was just to vague when it came to helping the player figure out where they had to go next. I never had as much trouble with a game as I had with IU in years. Another issue is that they simply had WAY too many characters so many in fact that there were only a small handful you actually ended up caring one iota about by the time you reached the finale. I still enjoyed it but too me the game was too broken to even be anywhere near the same ball park as SO:TLH. To me SO: TLH is right up there with ToV and Lost Odyssey. I will respect your opinion as you respected mine. Glad to see you getting into RPG this gen. As far as jrpg are concerned I tried getting into them on PS2 but until I gave them another go on X360 they didn't become one of my favorite types of games. I did like FF7 back in the day but nothing else really hit the spot until X360 jrpg started rolling in for me.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad