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outlawauron said:
LordMatrix said:
outlawauron said:
Undying said:
Domicinator said:
This thread has done me a huge favor. I played SO4 earlier this year and ended up hating it by the end of the game. I'm working my way through IU now and like it better than I liked SO4. But this thread finally gave me the kick in the butt I needed to go pick up Lost Odyssey. I played it for three hours straight this afternoon and LOVED IT!!!!! I can't wait for my wife to get off the TV so I can play some more.

Oh dear Lord.

What? I agree with him. I enjoyed IU much more than SO4.

You joking right? SO:TLH is hundred times more fun then IU.  Both are good but Star Ocean beats it by miles.

It seems what you think is more fun I find mediorce. I disagree with your opinion.

Imagine that.

Not in every case I do agree with you that VC is awesome.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad