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Riachu said:
shio said:
JRPGs and WRPGs have been in decline since the start of this generation, but JRPGs are the ones in most peril.

MMORPGs have been pretty much the only ones that are helping the RPG genre.

WRPGs have been increasing in popularity.  Fallout 3 and Oblivion have caused their respective series to go from cult status to mainstream popularity.  Even The Witcher, a game that didn't get much pre-release hype managed to sell 1.5 million copies.

No, they've been in decline. There's nowhere near as many recent WRPGs as there were 5 years ago. Fallout 3 and Oblivion had great sales, The Witcher too, but there are so little wrpg releases that I don't think it compensates.

The problem is that since wrpgs are usually bigger and much more fleshed than the average game, it kinda scares indie developers because many of them don't have the time or staff to work on such extensive works, so they choose less harsh genres for their games. Another reason might be that many RPG developers migrated to work on MMOs, where the real money is now. Even Bioware and Bethesda want to bank alot on MMOs.

And FYI, The Elder Scrolls already was mainstream before Oblivion.