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Kantor said:
^How do we bring Hitler into this thread?

edit: oh well, can't find the right moment from Dress to Kill on youtube where Eddie Izzard goes on about how the nazis would have looked three generations later maxing up their own genes.

Might do piece together a video tonight when I get home.

edit^2: here from the transcript:

First rule of genetics,
spread the genes apart.

But the royals are obsessed.
"Are you royal?

"Then you can marry me
and our lQs will go down the toilet."


If people from
the same genetic group intermarry...

Hello, cousins marrying. Hello-oo?

lQ down the toilet.
Hitler was trying this.

The first generation of Nazis -
"Sieg heil!"

The second generation - "Sieg heil."

The third generation. "Er...Sieg...


"I have no idea."