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@ OP:

Who says all games need to be $60? Supply and demand says Activision SHOULD sell COD6 at a higher price point. That's smart business, not dumb.

You're upset with Activision for releasing a game of such high quality, interest and demand that so many people want to buy it? And it's their fault that people are moving out of Q4?

How dare they make something so many people want. They should be killed. And how dare they try and make money off it. What kind of successful company are they trying to be? I know if I am selling or trading MY games, I always sell them at the lowest price possible.

If you have a problem with the price, then DON'T BUY IT. But they have every right in the world to set their product at any price they want.

Activision is evil for other reasons - like the BRutal legend lawsuit, the whole "franchisable games only" policy, the raping of the Guitar Hero series, etc.

But this is not the reason to be mad at them.

$60 for a bad game is WAY more offensive than $70 for a great game.

And this is from someone who does not plan on buying any Activiison products due to my disagreement with their policies. I bought 50 games in the last 12 months or so on various platforms and not an Activision one in the bunch.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?