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jman8 said:
haha, this thread is silly. 1st off, the DS isn't even outselling the PSP by 3:1 ratio in America. So I dunno where you're getting your 4:1 number. I'll give you that the GBA is selling surprisingly well and we may see some renewed developer support for the system. But there is no way the GBA outsells the PSP in the coming months. If it happens, you can fry a couple of eggs on my face because I'd deserve it. The PSP just had a price cut. Sales are gonna rise. Expect a big month of April for the PSP.

Sorry my bad.

As for the PSP price cut having any affect, I doubt it.

With Pokemon Diamond/Pearl launching it will have little to no affect on the large gaming audience. The sales of DS will skyrocket from their already strong position. GBA sales should also benefit due to an increase in demand for Pokemon's other titles. Pokemon is expected to make a major comeback in the next few months and the craze should really help GameBoyAdvances sales.

PSP, I haven't heard of many big titles comming any time soon. I did here about FinalFantasy remakes comming to PSP and that will likely benefit it when they start to actually make appearances on the platform but untill then not likely. People will see DS's every where as people play their new copies of Diamond/Pear. DS will get major publicity which should push PSP further from the limelight.

In the end PSP isn't going anywhere (As in for good) but its definatly not going to benefit from that measly price cut! 



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