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I am a huge RPG fan and i always been, but process of level grinding has always been a pain in the ass for me, JRPG's are full of it and for me the necessity of it is absolutely ridicilous. Its an element that stupidly breaks up gameplay and story and forces you to do boring battles with this same opponents while running in this same area for ages like an idiot. I absolutely hated when i was younger and still hate it having recently played FF IV , DQ IV  or to some extent Chrono Trigger. I understand it in games like Diablo where literally only thing that matters is your level because there is not enough story or characters.

Now i started playing lost odyssey, and i thought Sakaguchi and Mistwalker will move away from it, but now i've realised in order to defeat the first boss im going to have to run around some hills and hut and kill some birds lol ( i know is not as grindy as other JRPG'(. It reminds me of a South Park Episode when Cartman and the gang were killing boars for 7 weeks

WRPG's have long moved away from this feature (using level caps) and levelling nicely fitted into main stories and having more exiting battles, forocing you to focus on exploratioon, side quests and story combined with your impact on the world

While JRPG's (as much as i like them) still force you to do level grinding i dont even mind cliche stories or emo characters its just that feature that annoys and bores me  me (plus wastes my time). Are there other JRPG and RPG fans that absolutely dislike grinding?  Or am i just having a wrong approach to those games.


