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The PS3 is going to pass the Xbox unless it becomes more appealing. I think it will pass it by the end of next year too. Here's why (grab some popcorn.)

First PS3/Xbox fans alike, answer this question. If the PS3 had launched this year, and not last, would very much be different (this is for good and bad reasons)?

The PS3 has launched, had a horrible reception because of price, being cocky, etc. Horrible stuff. This year, however, we've seen the horrible ports slowly get better, and some decent first party titles. Overall software and hardware sales have sucked period.

Sales-wise, its almost like this year never really took place. So if the PS3 were to launch this November, it would still have the same dilemma of catching up to the Xbox's 12 million consoles sold. However, is 12 million really that hard to catch?

People spend so much time bashing Sony that they don't realize that at the same point in the Xbox360's lifespan, it had only sold 4,900,000 consoles. What the Xbox is "winning" right now is a battle of nobody's. The Xbox360 has a HUUUGE attach rate, because they have a fan base targeted and they are making games for that group. But seeing as the 360 had about the same sales as the PS3, and historically the second year is always better than the first (especially with the PS3's lineup next year), the PS3 is easily going to have 20 million by next winter.

That brings up the point of install base. Why would you spend the time developing for a difficult system with no install base, and an attach rate that just flat out sucks? Add on to this, the competitor compensates you for exclusives titles very well, all this along with a promise of over 2million sales and praise from sites if you make the right type of game (couch, shooter, cough). It wouldnt make sense. THIS ALL CHANGES NEXT SPRING. MGS4 may not sell as many copies as Halo did (it might come close) but it will move consoles. Even more likely because of rumors that Sony will drop the 40gb into the $299 range. By that time you will also have AAA titles in almost every genre. MGS4, LBP, RC, Uncharted, UT3, Haze, Orange Box(maybe) PES for Europe. Add onto that the coming of rumble worldwide, GT5Prologue, and PS Home. Its very difficult NOT to buy a PS3 at 299, since it plays movies. (I Didnt include Killzone, but that could sell better than all those games if it comes out the way it should.)

You all have heard this before, but I dont think people are looking at why this is really happening. Plain and simple, no one really likes the Xbox. If the Xbox360 was made by Sega, or Toshiba, I really think it would sell alot more. You might think im stupid but think about it. The Xbox has had a library of amazing games for awhile now. Its priced lower, XBL is really fun and gets people to buy more games and play online more. Its all great, so why is it that its not selling well still (its outselling the PS3, but come on lol. The PS3, up until this month, was really on a Sony faithful console. Games sucked, except for a few but they got bad reviews anyways.) Regardless of what excuse you may have, the Xbox was passed by the Wii in less than a year after having a years head start with better games, graphics, and overall value.
The Wii, although its beating ass, at that rate wouldnt sell as much as the PS2. 7 years, at 14 million a year. You can do the math. That doesnt equal 120 million. Add on top of that that the Wii is bring new gamers to the table, by the end of this generation the winner should have about 180,000,000 consoles sold.

The PS3 is in as well a position as all the other consoles right now. It is more about the future than whats happening now, because in all honesty both next-gen consoles are selling piss poor. The PS3 is in a phase with the media right now where they are getting slapped around and hammered on everything from price, to having too many features(lol). But all in all, Sony still has their big guns locked and loaded. They remain exclusives, and a few actually sell better than even Halo.
MSFT has IP's, but as far as exclusive developers, its lacking. On top of that, the install base everywhere but the US is higher for the PS3. This is without a real good library as well.

The Xbox360 is a good gaming console, but in the grand scheme of things, with Halo 3 blown already and developers saying that disc size/pure power of the Xbox is nearly tapped, how is it that without Halo, MSFT can get 100,000,000 game owners to ignore MGS4, FF, GT5, and sony altogether, and hop on with the Xbox?

This generation has barely started. It seems like everyone has gotten amnesia. If the Xbox360 has a little magic left somewhere deep thats bigger than Halo, sure it might win. But you know whats coming from the PS3. Proven, sure shot system sellers. PSSSS (lol).

(I had time to write this while bored at work. I need a real hobby haha. And I DO own a 360 and a PS3. I have Bioshock/Halo 3/Gears of War, but GOW got scratched. Live name:RawCoke86)