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Graves said:
perpride said:
Graves said:
perpride said:
Graves said:
perpride said:
Graves said:
Good for Sony, it'll surpass the PS1 and PS2 in no time.


It's not exactly a good thing that it took PS3 this long to (almost) hit 24 million. Still, for a console who people thought would not make it to 2008, especially considering it is still at a very high pricepoint, this is not bad news.

You act like the console has been a success since 2008. Sony keeps pissing money away in hopes the system doesn't look like a failure.

Success is hardly the word. But I am saying that it can no longer be called a failure. It is about to hit 24 mill and soon pass Xbox, and this is still at $400 a pop. It has much room to grow if anything, especially with hardware development costs coming down. The console also has a stellar library of games and is recieving quite a bit of great third party support.

Well that's fantastic! I'm sure Sony's ultimate goal was to outsell the original Xbox, come in dead last this gen, and lose all the profits from the PS2. Sony actually hurt the Playstation brand and allowed Microsoft to grow. How is it not a failure?

It still may be getting 3rd party support but it doesn't get all the exclusives like previous Playstation consoles and its not the primary software mover. I get it, you're fanboy and if the PS3 had a vagina you would marry it. But this console is a complete and utter failure.

Did you read a single word I wrote? I'm not gonna report you for trolling, but for gods sake at least read my damn post.

Just because I didn't touch on everything you said doesn't mean I didn't read it. Okay let me respond to what I didn't comment on...

Development cost is also coming down on the Wii and 360. So the PS3 will always be the most expensive.

The steller 1st party library probably isn't generating much of profit. Especially considering most of their sales come from bundles.

The other points I did touch on.

I didn't mean that I needed a rebutal for everything. I'm not sure why people have to bring every single thing back to sales. I understand that this is VGC, but step back from that for a moment. No, obviousley Sony did not want their console to do such low numbers, and when it comes to sales PS3 will always be bashed because its older brother is PS2. When I say development costs are coming down, I don't mean that the console is going to start outselling 360 or Wii. I mean that the hardware still has much room for price drops, and has done the numbers that it has done all from sales that cost more than $400. This means that there are still plenty of sales to be had. Now, from going to a point where people did not think it would sell 10 million units and would be disbanded by 2009, to selling 24 million units all above $400. Yes, PS3 will always be most expensive, but this doesn't mean that slaes wont increase with price drops. So what I'm saying here is that there is still room for growth. It is a third place console that is about to beat out the second place console from last gen. When Xbox reached these sales it was beyond washed up, PS3 actually seems to have quite a bit of a future ahead of it.

The first party titles that I am talking about have nothing to do with sales. I mentioned them to point out that we cannot call a system a failure if it has some of, if not THE, best games of this generation. Yes, they are not bringing in the dough like Gears of War and Halo 3, but they have completely shut up the "PS3 has no games" argument. Most media and critical outlets will tell you without a question in mind that the PS3 had an amazing 2008 as far as software goes. LBP is pretty much accepted as last years GOTY. Mind you, I think this is fraud, because MGS4 was a billion times better. Both are exclusive. How can a console be called a failure if it is still selling at $400 a pop and has games like MGS4, Assassins creed, GTAIV, Uncharted, COD4, Dead Space, Ninja Gaiden, Fallout, LBP, Killzone 2, inFamous, Heavenly Sword and Warhawk as a part of its library? This, paired up with games like FFXIII, Versus, XIV, Gran Turismo 5 (Sony's biggest franchise), Heavy Rain, God of War 3 and Uncharted 2, will no doubt make the PS3's library one to go down in the books.

No, Sony's goal was not to outsell the original Xbox. That is pathetic for the PlayStation family and especially for a brand that has been around. They fucked up, plain and simple. However, I don't think this is enough to warrant the PS3 a failure, at least not by my standards.