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I descided in light of the recent NPD sales charts that I would take the time to look at the handheld war that is still being waged. Whether its Nintendo's knight in shining armour , Sony's spiffy assasin or Nintendo's sidekick all three platform's continue to wage war on one another in a close knit fight.

Nintendo:DS has secured the number one position their is no turning back Nintendo has won this generation as far as handheld's are concerned. Outselling PSP in Japan almost if not 3 to 1 and now outselling PSP in North America about 4 to 1 the Nintendo DS is invicable. The Nintendo DS sold an impressive 508,000 units in the United States alone for the month of March.

 PlayStationPortable continues to do poorly in the handheld wars though they did manage to yet again secure the second position on the monthly charts. The PSP had some tight competition from the GameBoy:Advance but managed to outsell it by almost 40,000 units. PSP performed midly this month at 180,000 units.

The GameBoy:Advance Nintendo's sidekick console backing DS the whole way. The GameBoy:Advance has been support less for months. Nintendo descided to ditch the GBA and pursue its DS and Wii market shares more agressively but that hasn't stopped the GBA from chugging along. For the month of March the GameBoy Advance outsold the PlayStation3 by more then 10,000 Units and at 148,000 units continues to stay healthy.

The battle is over but the war goes on. With the DS now leages ahead of PlayStationPortable in the monthly charts Sony is left with another competitor nobody could see comming the GameBoy:Advance. With Pokemon Diamond/Pearl only days from release the DS sales will continue to climb likely to almost a million for the month of Ma. The release of Diamond/Pearl will drive other consumers back towards Pokemon and the GameBoy:Advance Pokemon titles this renewal of software/hardware sales could give it the kick it needs to take on PlayStationPortable again for months to come when Christmas roles around the GBA's cheap price could allow it to possibly even beat PSP in monthly sales!

So a tight race between PSP/GBA many Nintendo fans laugh off the idea of GBA making a temporary come back but could it rise to the challenge of PSP? , could Sony's handheld once again fall victim to the might of Nintendo's GameBoy:Advance? Could this renew software support from third/first party developer's?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer