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IF what patcher said. IF what someone else said that you can find Wiis sitting on shelves... PS3 has already won. Not saying the PS3 has won. Just saying. IF the PS3 is catching up with Wii sales... and IF the Wii production is more than demand. That says nintendo's ~700,000/month is more than enough. And Sony's 1million+/month is still selling quite well. And not in Europe. If March sales the PS3 passes the Wii. It is gameover for 3rd party games. Sony's launches have always been slow. And once they get steam. It is decided. Sony is looking at 1 to 2million for the europe launch. The PS3 will be in the ballpark of 2 or 2.5million worldwide at end of febuary. I see Sony selling 500,000 units USA in march. And I see 1million (at least) in Europe. That gives sony 4 or even 5million by the end of March. If Wii sales are down... they might be at... at best 6million. If the PS3 bombs in Europe. (eg. 250,000 sales/500,000 sales) I might rethink my logic on PS3 vs Wii. But the PS3 has no software. IT all comes starting last week febuary... and ends in early April. March will be a monster month for Sony. April will be a big month. Skip a month. And June is another good release month. I was guessing 250,000. January PS3 sales. Sonys game starts March. If sony starts selling what Nintendo is selling... or closing the gap... With nothing new out. Someone made the analogy of David vs Goliath. If the PS3 sells 300,000+ All I gotta say is. David did a cheapshot on Goliaths private parts. And is now Goliath is getting on his feet... Rather angry.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!