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@Wind Shavitor. No, no scientists are that arrogant. Because its just stupid.

Fundamentalist Christians (in particular, I haven't really argued with many other groups) seem to like to paint evolution as some ridiculous theory to explain everything. Its not, all evolution explains and has ever explained is the gradual change in the nature of life.

Its not meant to explain the origin or age of the universe (that's the field of cosmology) the age of the earth (that's geology) the origin of life (abiogenesis) or countless other things that it seems to heaped on its shoulders.

I think you will actually find if you ask evolutionists 'Do you believe evolution explains the origin of the universe" 99.99% of them will say no. You can safely insult the other 0.01% for not understanding what they're meant to believe in.

Your statements on timeframe are assertions. Can you provide any evidence for your point of view? Also I understand the theory of evolution more fully than most people and I certainly don't think the probability of life progressing to this point is very low at all. Taking into account the massive timescale and things like mass extinctions pushing along the way.

Oh and the study of consciousness is very incomplete, science doesn't really have an understanding of it yet.