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uncharted 2 is going to be awesome, but pretty much everything you said right there is not an innovation by any means. Innovation means it is bringing somthing new to the table.

1. Uncharted 1 had this, so credit should be given to the first game.
2. You could do this in crackdown and many other games.
3. Can't think of any right now, but I'd be surprised if this hadn't been done before.
4. really? you think this is something new?
5. So... the innovation is being able to throw the flag? ever herd of halo?
6. Yes, the first uncharted was like that, so are a ton of other games from this generation (gears for example). Not to mention lots of other games from last gen. Then we can go further back and I can't think of a single nes, snes, genesis game that stopped for load times.

Basically, Uncharted 2 is going to be incredibly awesome, I'm not debating that. However, at least come up with some real innovations that it has if you are going to make a thread about them.

A good innovation is the multi level/climbing multiplayer. Something like that.