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i have just one thing to say... tyrant mode should have been called FUCK YOU!!!! mode. read further if you want spoilers. (whited out)

anyway, the king and all his lowly subjects all have just one health MAX. yes, you are a kingdom of old geezers that kill kick the bucket on site if they even get touched by a stray leaf. for some reason, you can still find hot springs, though they won't do shit for you now now. since your subjects just have one health, they're either alive or already dead, hot springs won't do anything. acceditelly chunked a soldier at a large hole? oops, sorry. were you facing a ledge when you pressed the a button by mistake? tough luck kid, that expensive merchant you spent 1.5 million bol on has gone to a better place. it also made me realize something. whenever you attack something in the ground (like a watermellon, turnip, ect uma) when it come up, it usually gives a pre-emptive attack thats unavoidable that gives somebody one damage. it didn't really matter in the not hard as balls modes, but now your screwed.

another bad side effect of this is it turns every single boss, nay enemy, into being like the deadly red turnip boss fight (the only attack this boss had was a insta-kill bite that would turn you poor subjects into red turnips). the cow bones fight was already about as hard a boss fight as any boss on the kiddy modes. i can already tell that i'll need a portable brick wall to for the final boss fight.

if anybody gets through this mode, you will need a lot of patience, and a godly retreat trigger finger to get out alive. mind as well use the guard formation all the time. your frail king will need it!




there is one thing about this mode though, and you'll have to read this last whited out section to find out...





pancho can now talk, and he cordally greats you to tyrant mode, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.