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1. Counterstrike (HL)
2. Goldeneye
3. Day of Defeat (HL)
4. Counterstrike (HL2)
5. ET: QW
6. Unreal Tournament 2004
7. Unreal Tournament

Single player:
1. Goldeneye
2. Half Life 2
3. Half Life
5. Doom
6. Metroid prime (does that qualify?) - Gears (does it qualify?)
7. Halo
8. Halo 3
9. Return to Castel Wolfenstein
10. Doom 3 ( I dunno why people disliked it so much :x)

I played many more but I barely have memories of them (the CoDs I played for example...), so if they are forgettable, they don't make the list!
besides doom and goldeneye, I started FPSes with counterstrike in 2000...