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Because knowing how to build my own computer and save thousands of dollars in the process is a wondrous thing.

I suppose you'll claim it's a poor idea to learn how to change your own oil too when you can pay $30 bucks every 3 months to have someone else do it while waiting 2 hours reading Sports Illustrated and Motor Trend magazine in their lobby.

Or maybe you'll suggest that learning how to cook is a pathetic time waster when you can pay more money to have someone else buy the ingredients, prepare them, cook the foods and even serve you for a nominal fee of a $40 (less if you want a low quality product).

Perhaps you'll also agree that learning some carpentry and plumbing skills to fix your own home is idiotic when you can pay someone else thousands of dollars instead.

Brilliant really. Why bother with any form self reliant skill when you can just rely on others do it all instead? Am I suggesting that no one buy a quality computer, get their vehicle serviced, dine out or hire a contractor...absolutely not. But I am positing that their is nothing wrong at all with learning some self reliant skill that not only allow you to be more self sufficient but save thousands of dollars in the process.

The rEVOLution is not being televised