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I agree with the sentiment that the movie was lackluster, but am not entirely sure that the source material is not to blame. The premise isn't necessarily flawed, but it isn't necessarily entertaining. The problem does lie in the audiences ability to empathize with the main characters, and the movie spends a lot of time making you dislike them as much as possible. That may be the point, but it is not pleasant.

Especially when your getting a whopping three hours of watching socially maladjusted individuals that are little more then psychopaths. The movie fails as a casual experience, and the viewer could probably do with more contraction, and more action. A heavy hand at the editing table may have helped the movie.

Probably a good view for fans, and I am sure it is ripe with fan service. However if your looking for a movie that will draw you in rather then push you back this is not the movie for you. I do appreciate the approach the movie took it just isn't very entertaining.