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I just watched the movie today. I rented it on BluRay and really, really wanted to like it. But I couldn't.


These are my personal opinions.


-Watchmen had a very good marketing campaign, decent cinematography, and nice special effects. Those are the only good things I can say about this movie.



-3 hours is way too long for any movie. If you can't wrap up the story in 2 hours, you're just dragging on. Watchmen was 3 hours of bullshit with 10 minutes worth of special effects.




-The premise of the movie is that Comedian gets killed and then they investigate what happened. However, WHY should any viewer care about the Comedian getting killed? The movie made no effort to get fans to have any sort of attachment or sympathy for Comedian at all. Who gives a fuck if he got thrown out of the window.




-I didn't fully understand the story. No, dont blame me. It's the directors fault for not properly conveying the story. It's the directors fault for losing my attention so quickly. By the time they got around to the part in Antartica I was already falling asleep and thinking "damnit, when is this bullshit gonna end?".




-Weak characters and character development. Super Heros with no super powers? Dr Manhatten is the only one with powers but he has no personality at all. He's a nerdy physicist with no personality.




-The first part of the movie is a fancy music video. Instead of developing the story and characters, it comes across as a **** music video. Are you kidding me?




-A nude scene with a flat chested chick. That's it?!?! There was more glowing blue cock in this film than tits. Youd think with the amount of Dr Manhattens crotch they were willing to show, they'd balance it out by showing some more tits.



If anytone actually liked this movie, please explain why...I dont see how anyone could enjoy this film.