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The game doesn't really follow the shows storyline, but other than that it sticks close to the show as possible. Transformations, attacks are all based on whichever race you choose.

0) Saiyan
1) Human
2) Halfbreed
3) Namek
4) Icer
5) Android-h
6) Android-e
7) Android-fm
8) Bio-Android
9) Kaio
10) Demon
11) Hydian
12) Ghetti
13) Magic-Demon
14) Tuffle
15) Konatsu
16) Kanassian

Are all the races we have available in the game. Each race has its own advantages/disadvantages. You gain powerlevel by killing mobiles(NPC, Non player controlled), sparring with other players, sparring splitforms, gravity training, or meditating.

You move around with simple north, south, east, west commands similar to zork. Here's a quick display of an attack being used and gaining powerlevel from it.

(LifeForce: Ki: PowerLevel:)
(Enemy: Focus: Armor:)
You form your fingers and thumbs into a triangle, lining up Maza in your sights. Powerful inner energy gathers in the space between your hands. You shout out, 'TRI-BEAM!' before shooting an incredible pulse of energy towards Maza. [66]
You _demolish_ Maza! [66]
Your powerlevel increases by 74,745,793 points.
Maza concedes that you have won this spar.
Maza sits down.
Total powerlevel gained this spar: 74,745,793

We have scouters to scan players/mobs to see their strength, you train your stats like a traditional RPG, you get equipment that modifies your stats and gives you armor to make you stronger and fight better.

There's player vs player fighting, dragonball hunts, spacewars, Saiyan Invasions, quests to get epic gear/skills. We currently have 13 players on, and we average anywhere from 10-25 at anytime during the day/night. It's also free to play, and we have a great Roleplay system for those who want to train characters separately from the game itself. :D

Basically if you've ever wanted to be in a DBZ-like universe, this is a fun way to do it. It may not have sexy graphics, but that's what the imagination is for. Simple, yet complex with a lot of other neat things in the game. :)