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Hey all,

So I made sure to go through all the forum rules before posting this because it is a really iffy topic and may come off as a scam to some. I don't expect everyone to believe me either but here's my story. I also didn't see any forum rules I might be breaking my posting this. If I am please let me know and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

As I've posted before, I'm an electrical engineering university student and I currently got a coop position at a company developing apps for the iPhone/iPod Touch and Android handheld devices. I have 0 experience developing with either and would definitely want some experience toying with the devices a fair amount before starting in September. As a student I don't have money to throw around on these devices either and I have been looking around to find one for cheap. I've had no luck.

Today I stumbled upon this site that is simply a search engine that you gain points for using. These points can be traded in for prizes, one being an iPod Touch. Here's a link to the site if you guys want to check it out:

I've already searched a ton around the internet to see if it's legit and out of every site I looked at for free prizes this one seemed the most legit (you don't even need a credit card number to sign up).

So I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining up and helping me earn points by allowing me to refer them. This way I earn points as you do.

Let me know, Thanks! :)