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Believe it or not Nintendo has to thank Teddy Ruxbin for help getting it's NES in stores.
For those too young to know Teddy Ruxbin was very popular toy in the 80's that was a talking teddy bear that used cassette tapes.

Well while all the details escape me atm (tired and just got off work) In the book "Ultimate history of video games" Back then places like Sears were some of the biggest retailers and we didn't have Gamestops then. Well Sears refused to sell gaming systems since they felt it was a fad that was over and no money in it,however Teddy was huge and the makers of the toy for some reason refused to sell it to them unless they also agreed to sell this thing called the they agreed to sell it.
(Also was the reason Nintendo did not call it a gaming console and really pushed it as an entertainment system so they also included Rob the robot and the zapper and running pad and sold for 180$(I remember mine,I even got the grey zapper before toy guns had to be orange to look fake)