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TWRoO said:

I was googling aroung looking for Sonys last fiscal quarter report (June through September. If anyone could give me a link btw i would be grateful) and i found this rather funny prediction made i think a few days after the PS3 released;


David Mercer predicted this to be what the 2012 would look like for the 3 consoles.

Cumulative Sales 2005-2012 – Millions Units
Sony PS3 121.8
Microsoft Xbox 36059.7
Nintendo Revolution23.3

 It could be close to this, if the Wii stops selling immediately, the only mistake that he made was that the PS3 would be catching up by the end of the year.


Seriously, if someone calls the Wii, the revolution, even in November 2006, you know they have no idea what they are talking about 

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