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HappySqurriel said:

I think Wii Sports being a fluke is fairly unlikely with how much success Nintendo has had with similar "Blue-Ocean" games. In Japan Nintendo has sold more than 10 Million Brain Training games (over 14 Million if you include English and Common sense training), Animal Crossing has sold more copies in Japan on the Nintendo DS than any other version has sold, and Nintendogs has been very successful.

The truth is that these analysts are probably pretty good at predicting how the Japaneese market will react. I think that it is possible that Wii Fit could flop but I believe that it is far more likely that it would flop in the image conscience western countries than the quirky Japaneese market.

It would be unwise to generalize the handheld market to the console market I think.

Like I said though, we'll see.  I don't really see much in the way of deciding factors yet so it could go either way, flop or success.