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"First, let's go with the feature that's likely totally new to most reading this. It's called Elite Status and it's sure to start a tizzy on the forums once people read the words "Pay DLC" attached to it. But never fear, it's totally optional and should only be considered as a viable purchase by the truly hardcore Madden fans out there. It costs five bucks (400 points on XBL) and it unlocks what is essentially a VIP online world.

This exclusive club of sorts gets you into the Elite online community and you'll get your own private lobbies and private leaderboards. Beyond that, EA Sports is planning on allowing for some sort of avenue for these hardcore fans to easily communicate with the Madden development team. Beyond that, Elite players will also be the only ones in the Madden online world that will be able to play a ranked match on the All-Madden difficulty setting. The standard ranked match difficulty setting of All-Pro will still be available, but these hardcore fans can take the game to the next level. As an added bonus, the players who pay for the DLC will have their online name colored in gold so everyone in the lobby will know when an elitist enters the room.

5 bucks for a virtual champaigne room & all-madden mode online?


Now this is something i can get behind:

(from the same link)

"I had no issue signing up for my online franchise and immediately hopping into the league that had been setup by EA Sports. It took all of ten seconds to enter my activation code (which every new copy of Madden will ship with), enter my first and last name, and hop in to look around the league."

Online franchise for people that purchase NEW copies of madden? EA fucking over gamestop? I LOVE IT.


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