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DonWii said:
I consider this less of a port, and more of a second chance for such a great title.

I bet Ubisoft could publish Beyond Good & Evil on the Wii and the majority of people would think it is a new IP from them.

 I would be up for Beyond Good and Evil on the Wii.  I actually have it (got it for free) on the PC but I have still never played it.  I like PC gaming for things like MMO's, things like TF2 and CS. and things like Starcraft, but that's about it.  I could see myself finally playing Good and Evil on the Wii.

Amd yeah, I'll be getting Okami for the Wii.  It's been on my list of games to play for forever I just still haven't gotten around to it.  Just like with RE4, this will finally give me the push I need to play the game.