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Well my take on the opening topic question... it depends.

If its just Sonys take or their fans then they're doing great. Games are coming out. The system is selling, just maybe not as well as they like.

If its based on the outlook of competitors or their fans, then they use numbers in relation to sales and profit to show that Sony isn't doing that great.

And to the opening post, price is definitely an important factor, but its not the only one. Support, marketing, product, timing, attitude, competitors, etc also contributed to Sony losing marketshare.

I game.  You game.  We game.

I'm a videogamer, not a fanboy, but have a special place for Nintendo.

Current Systems Owned: NSwitch/PS4/XONE/WiiU/3DS/2DS/PCGaming Rig-i7/ASUS i7 Gaming Laptop.

Previous Game Consoles:  PS3/Xbox360/Wii/DSL/Pretty much every one thats been released since the Atari 2600.