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I think a major reason for gamers to want a return of DK is sentimental. Sort of like how even adults return to the franchises of their childhoods. I mean Mario sells to adults but strictly to the established user base. Fact is when you grow up with something you tend to stick with it, I've been a Coke person my whole life , I've been a Sony hater all my life, I've always loved Mario and Donkey Kong since the day I first played them on my moms Atari2600.

Fact is I grew up on Donkey Kong and love the franchise. You are right RareWare did take an otherwise dead end product and make it something. Without the Kongs and RareWare Donkey Kong would have remained like Pac-Man a puzzle game that never actually improved. However the Country series much like Marios early games and Donkey Kong 64 much like Mario64 were amazing games. The franchise has as much potential as any of Nintendo's other classical franchises. However unlike Mario Nintendo took Donkey Kong in a more innovative direction. Instead of naturally evolving the franchise they took it in a radically new direction inturn destroying it.

A true return of the Kongs in a 3D enviroment bringing us Mario(sunshine/64) style platforming a big free roaming Jungle and all the classical enemies would be an unpresedented hit. All Donkey Kong fans want is for the franchise to return to where it should have gone. For Nintendo to revive the franchise with a true DK64/DKC sequal on the Wii like they gave Zelda and Mario. Nintendo put so much effort into SunShine and into WW/TP years of development and huge experianced teams. While for JungleBeat Nintendo gave a rookie studio less then a year to create an origional innovative Donkey Kong title. The title was rushed and shabily done with Nintendo not giving nearly the needed resources for it to be the quality hit fans expected.

Nintendo set it up to fail, DK was one of Nintendo's most successful franchises it helped build Nintendo. I mean if it wasn't for Donkey Kong Nintendo wouldnt exist if it wasn't for the hit of the origional arcade game Nintendo would never have had the North American success it needed.

Long story short DK deserves respect and a real effort on behalf of Nintendo who has proven to have the development abilities of a God. I mean if Nintendo can revive and re-establish long dead franchises like Metroid and maintain franchises like LOZ and Mario then theirs no doubt in my mind that they could do the same for Donkey kong. I mean the user base didn't just leave cause they were bored it dissapeared slowly over years and years of neglect!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer