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Well, Motion Plus has been bundled with two EA games and will be bundled with an Ubisoft game this year alone. The Balance Board is only available with Wii Fit, right? Wii Sports Resort is launching, too.

The point here is: Despite being bundled with only one game, the balance board has a userbase of around 20 million. That's a GC/PS3 sized userbase, and it's only getting bigger. More games will utilise it, but it takes time to get to grips with new technology. Super Monkey Ball has just been announced, and that will utilise the board. Look how long it's taken some devs to get to grips with the Wiimote itself. Wii Fit Plus is also coming this year.

So if Motion Plus is already bundled with 3 games this year, including what could potentially be the biggest game of the year, and will be bundled with at least one more game this year, it's going to be successful. It already has more bundles than the balance board, and higher profile third party support than the balance board. And if Nintendo make the next iteration in one of their biggest franchises (Zelda Wii) M+ only, then I think there's no doubt they intend on supporting the peripheral.

Once you play Sports Resort, particularly the Island Flight, jet ski, sword and archery games, you'll realise just how much M+ can do. Expect more polished versions of these control schemes to be present in various Nintendo games, starting next year.