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      The DS came out Holiday 2004, and it has been more successful than any other handheld (at least since the original Gameboy which was also supposed to have passed 100 million in its time).  And unlike some other highly successful video game systems, the DS has had tremendous commercial and critical success with a console that's game library has been considered to be able to compete with just about any other game system's library and it has seen the release of  quality games in almost all genres.  It has even been considered to have been responsible for bringing back once mighty genres like the adventure genre that have lain devoid of highly popular games since the end of The Golden Age of PC Adventure Games in the early 1990s.

     However, eight years is starting to get a bit deep into a game console's lifetime and it might have just seen the biggest game release that it will ever see in Dragon Quest IX in Japan.

    How much longer do you think it will be before Nintendo decides to replace the DS line with an even more powerful handheld like a Super DS or DS Advance?