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Hus said:

.. why did MS ever even get into gaming ?


 That's rather easy. They are to strong in the PC market. Their market sharer is so big, that nearly everything will weaken their position!  They need additional projects in the long run, but projects, where they can use therii experience. With Direct X and so on they were already involved in the PC games market. In principle a gaming console is only a small, cheap computer. And they have a vast experience in developer support.

And there were some additional elements:  There were few companies that felt alienated and many companies, that supported this move. Companies like Sony already saw Microsoft as a threads because the PCs were already entering the Living Rooms, and with them Microsoft as the most probable dispatcher. Many hardware developpers were already looking for this position. For them a M8icrosoft gaming console were simply a slightly different enemy then before. But many game designers that were developing games for the PC saw it as an easy way into the console market. Andf they were in no position to dominate this market. An important factor, when governments already look closely at your business practices.