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You do understand logically that game of the year editions should curtail the original games sales within the middling tail. Especially the closer one gets to the next release. For all your prose about sales price retention that sounds asinine. Killing off the sales would force retailers to reduce the price to offset the lost interest.

It doesn't matter much beyond the first year, because a developer has basically exhausted the market at that point, but three or four months in your losing a lot of money now. Some developers may be getting away with it right now, but they will pay the price eventually on their mid line titles. Where gamers want it, and it is good. However they also know they can get it for a swan song in six months, or wait a couple months after that and get more for the money up front.

By the way thank you for reminding me about Mirrors Edge, and Dead Space. I wanted both those games last year, but I knew if I waited six or seven months I would get them for dirt cheap. What can I say I know how Electronic Arts is about undermining their own products.