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Samus Aran said:
ironman said:
Samus Aran said:
Still no one answered my question... lol
Anyway you made this thread because people vote down Halo, but a lot more people vote down on metroid prime just because it's on the top. Including the OP, so don't be such a hypocrite douche bag.

Yeah, they (including myself) were voting it down because it doesn't belong on top, not because they hated the game (unlike you with Halo) so really there is no hipocracy here, after all, the thread title is "Whats with all the hate on Halo" not, "why do people keep voting down Halo"

He said that he made this thread because of the voting down on Halo. Besides what do you know about metroid prime... Nothing, nada, rien, nichts, niets... You haven't played the game and are there for in NO position to judge if the game belongs to the top or not. The only thing made of iron here is your thick skull.. Please get it through that skull of yours.... You haven't played metroid prime, so you don't know if it belongs on the top or not.

And my question remains unanswered, I guess Halo is nothing special then and just some overrated game...

As a side not yes, but that is irrelevant to the thread question. Stay on topic please!

Now, what do I know about Metroid prime? More than you know about wanna know why? Because I researched it! Unlike you, I'm not going to vote down a game that I have not researched, nor am I going to vote it down based on fanboy talking points. But...once again, you are straying off topic. oh hey, the only thing made of iron on me is...well nevermind, this is a family forum XD.

What the hell was your question? I'm pretty sure it was already just didn't like the answer because it doesn't fitr you hateful vitrial.


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Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!