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1. Prototype (360) - Activision
2. UFC 2009: Undisputed (360) - THQ
3. EA Sports Active Bundle (Wii) - EA
4. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (Wii) - EA
5. Wii Fit (Wii) - Nintendo
6. Fight Night Round 4 (360) - EA
7. Fight Night Round 4 (PS3) - EA
8. Mario Kart (Wii) - Nintendo
9. Red Faction: Guerrilla (360) - THQ
10. Infamous (PS3) - Sony
11. Ghostbusters: The Video Game (360) - Atari
12. UFC 2009 Undisputed (PS3) - THQ
13. Prototype (PS3) - Activision
14. Pokemon Platinum (DS) - Nintendo
15. Punch-Out!! (Wii) - Nintendo
16. Wii Play (Wii) - Nintendo
17. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (360) - EA
18. Mario Kart DS (DS) - Nintendo
19. The Legendary Starfy (DS) - Nintendo
20. New Super Mario Bros. (DS) - Nintendo