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Reasonable said:
uadfa said:
Samus Aran said:
But what's so special about Halo? What does Halo do that no other fps has done?

Is this question to hard to answer that you guys avoid it?

This answers all of your questions.

As ever the info in that video is incorrect.  Vehicles were present in Tribes in 1998, 3 years before Halo, for example.

Halo is very good, but the only element I believe was truly introduced in the game was charging shields (although I'd be willing to be a variant was in something else first).

Halo's design strengh was taking a bunch of gameplay mechanics that had already worked in other FPS and bringing them together in a well balanced way.  It did not really innovate anything from a gameplay mechanic that hadn't aleady been done before.



The regenerating shield mechanic was very innovative for its time, almost every game after it copied it.

Plus, vehicles were first presented in GoldenEye. There's one level where you get to control a tank. Red Faction also did vehicles before Halo but unlike Halo it was poorly implemented.