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Darc Requiem said:
Onimusha12 said:

Starfox: I agree with you wholeheatedly

Donkey Kong: I agree

F-Zero: F-Zero GX for Gamecube is considered the pinnacle of the series. F-Zero fans and hardcore gamers a like consider this one of the Gamecube's best titles. You are first person I've heard call it disappointing. Now the recent portable versions of the series based on the anime' are another story.

Geist: Was definitely a hit or miss title, it is either loved or loathed. That said unless their is a Geist 2 in the works, I wouldn't call it a franchise.

Mario Kart: Double Dash was considered a disappointment by most. The main problem with the Mario Kart series is the CPU assistance. In the last few titles its been better to hang around in second place until the last possible moment because of the "rubber band" AI.

Paper Mario: I have never relly gotten into the franchise so I can't speak to who its been handled.

Legend of Zelda: Zelda needs a serious overhaul. Like the Mario titles the basic premise of Zelda games have been pretty much the same. The difference is that Mario titles usually have significantly different gameplay elements added to each sequel to shake things up. Zelda's gameplay has been the same since The Ocarina of Time. That wouldn't be so bad if the story would compensate but the story has been generally the same as well. Either Nintendo has to step up the story and character development to Fire Emblem levels or dramatically change how the gameplays.

Metroid: The Metroid Prime titles are the best selling Metroid titles. The reason it took so long for a Metroid sequel is that despite its critical acclaim, Super Metroid didn't sell all to well. In fact the reason it took so long for Super Metroid to be created was because Metroid II didn't sell exceptionally well nor did the original. I don't know whats in store for the franchise but I'm betting on either a 2D title from Intelligent Systems or a Third Person title for Wii.

I agree with almost everything you say here. Metroid Prime IS the best selling Metroid game, though the older ones sold better in Japan. I also think that if they release another Zelda game on the OoT formula, it will be quite stale. Bring on either something completely new, or a twist the size of Majora's Mask (woo!). I actually found Twilight Princess to be more innovative in terms of actual gameplay than WW. The puzzles in WW were laughable and almost all the items were from OoT.  The whole Ocean bit and style were neat, but didn't really affect the core gameplay.

Aren't some of the "gimmicky" DK titles supposed to be pretty good, though? Maybe Barrel Blast sucked, but it was from a second, maybe third string development team.