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ironman said:
Samus Aran said:
ironman said:
Samus Aran said:


Dark Chaos said:
mario64 said:
So many great games...

+MGS 3 : Subsistence

- Halo

Fanboy ALert

So, if you don't like Halo then you're a fanboy?




No, you are a fanboy if you vote down a game that you clearly don't know about, for bogus reason...and every time you vote, you vote it down. Because of you, I have to Vote Halo up...I would much rather be voting for games like Fable, or such, but I cannot let you win in your idiocy. so...

+ Halo

- GTA 3

Is it that hard to understand that I really don't think Halo of something special? It's an average fps and nothing more. I've played better fps, so what makes Halo so special? If it wasn't for MS paying for all the marketing, it wouldn't be so popular. And I've voted for other games as well, but the game I hate the most right now is Halo. Bah, I just hate all fps except enemy territory and quake 3 arena. Anyway, I call voting down metroid prime just because it's on the top idiocy(not that you're doing that, but other people)

For example zelda: the twilight princess is A LOT better then Halo yet it has so little votes, it's my favorite game this gen(I bought the wii version)

Anyway pretty much every vote is biased, all HD owners won't vote for GC games, simple as that and vice versa.

+ Metroid prime

- Halo

STOP THE PRESS!!! Samus Hates Halo!!!!!

Dude seriously, this thread is about what was the best game last gen, millions of people don't agree with you...I mean, Zelda? I played the wind worrier, and if that was any indication of what this "new" one is like (talking gameplay wise) then no, it is not better than Halo. Halo was the first successful FPS on a conslole, it lead to some of the greatest online play evern seen. I mean it lead to Halo 2...and eventually  Halo 3 which has consistantly been head and shoulders above all others in terms of logged online matches. Do you really think a game that lead to that big of a following deserves to be voted down? I think you are just bitter because you know you're favorite game is not the best game last gen.

Wrong, Goldeneye was very successful on the N64.  I won't claim that Goldeneye was the first successful console FPS cause I have no idea, but I know for a fact that Halo was not the first!  Halo was certainly a well-done game and revolutionized console FPS's, but it owes a LOT to Goldeneye, especially regarding the multiplayer aspects.  Before Halo it was Goldeneye being played in dorm rooms.

Also how does popularity equal the "best" game?  Prime has a higher score on and they have the same Metacritic rating so at the worst I would say they are, according to critics, equal.  And of course Halo has retained more popularity over time, it's primarily a multiplayer game so people will continue to play it.  Prime is a single player game thus was played less.  That doesn't make it a worse game though.