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Taz! said:
ironman said:
Taz! said:
ironman said:

Ok I bite! 

If you read my last post (you clearly have fogged up your goggles) you would have read that I said " Slow down doesn't matter if you are crashing into other cars, they will slow down just as much" and hey, you could even bounce off them and propell yourself ahead, so yes, A noob could win a race by doing that. 

Now, the video I was talking about, I cannot find, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt. However, even if the guys are not real race car drivers, they play a LOT of sims, and know a lot more than your average gamer, who btw usually gets stuck driving minivans and old beaters not Ferraris and Lambos. Jeremy Clarkson is one person, it is entirely possible that he was payed to say that, However, since there is no proof, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.  Seriously, if you want to talk realism, lets talk about the damage. GT didn't have it, all it had was a slow down effect...thats not very realistic, especially if you can still bounce off of other cars to bully your way around a track.

Now, I watched part of the video (it was varry laggy even though it was fully buffered) and I don't get what your point was. It has nothing to do with Kids locked in a basement, and there were obviously a few assists turned on, and damage, turned off.

Now, the comment I said about kids being locked in a basement...sounds like I hit a nerve there...hmmm... Anyway, I was obviously exaggerating for effect, but I guess I can't expect you to understand that, you're blood must be boiling right about now...I guess thats the differance between you and I. I want both games, I'm not trolling GT5...just the fanboys, I am willing to admit when I am wrong, I am not afraid to look at the facts, I am not afraid to say that either game has flaws (although at this point it time it is hard to tell). I guess thats what separates the men from the boys, and the real gamers from the fanboys.   


Right, we can talk sensibly again

Always have been ( well...on my part anyway...not so sure about you, fanboys tend to be a little blind)

First off, the first argument of your's simply does not work and will be solved in GT5 with damage. I understand your logic, but there is not enough corners/opportunities to bump off other cars to get an advantage in GT5p. Noobs can't win, but I agree this needs fixed (and it will be).

Yeah, I know GT5 will have damage, and it's about time, but in the past it has not which is shameful for somebody who calls themselves a racing sim, nay, they were more of an arcade racer in that aspect. And yes, There are enough cars in GT5P for a noob to bully his way around a track. To say otherwise is just plain ignorant.

Jeremy Clarkson has driven around 80% of cars made in the last 20 years, and he races them around the top gear track. He could of been payed to say what he does, but then the same applies to every so called 'pro' who talks up Forza. Clarkson is a GT fan though and writes these things in his newspaper column so its very very unlikely.

Yes, but has he EVER played Forza???

And about that video, even though assists are on that car moves far to quickly and accurate when going round a corner at 300kmph compared to its real life counterpart. Heavy braking also should make the rear at least slide a bit.

Yeah...not if it has all the assists on, those are there to help noobs drive and feel like they are pros. Also, it the car is tuned right, it can most certainly make a tight corner. You forget that those LeMans cars are very precise and stick to the roadat very high you know ANYTHING about racing?

And my blood is not boiling, Im just fed up with 360 fans claiming they are 'ultimate racers' who sit and play Forza with a d-pad and think it's just like real life, and then because some douche company (T10) says it's better than GT (The king) they believe it. I back up my arguments with alot of good points, and I do not hate Forza. I think GT is quite a bit ahead of Forza, and Ive told you why. Thats not fanboyish, thats having an opinion.

So...What 360 fan has claimed that they are an ultimate racer? I hear a lot more GT fanboys who think they know more about racing than Jeff Gordan (exagurating for effect just in case you missed that again)So far you have backed up your arguments with a lot of idiocy and very few good points. I know GT is not much farther ahead (if at all) that Forza 3, Hell, Any true gamer knows that.

Now, Your last paragraph is so full of BS and hypocracy, I cannot begin to explain it to you. But you see that partthat I put in italics and bold font? That right there tells you DO hate Forza and the company that made Forza. Also, you later went on to say that GT was much farther ahead of Forza. And that my friend, is very fanboyinsh.


One last thing, If you had a 360, would you buy Forza3? Would you buy a 360 so you could play Forza3? Do you even want Forza3? (if you can't answer honestly, then please don't answer at all)

1. I laughed. My god mate, take off your glasses, and go and play both the games. You honestly don't have a clue. You even back up Turn 10 after all the bullshit they have talked. - GTA

2. And as for the red highlighted, dude open your eyes. In that video that car moves as if its an F1 car, and newsflash....its not an F1 car. You prove how silly you are being by saying that in GT a noob can catapult himself to first place by bumping off other cars, THAT IS PROOF YOU AINT PLAYED GT.

3.As for the blue highlighted, I think we can see who the fanboy is lol.

Seriously, Im never going to win this argument with you, so there is no point. I must say well done to Selnor, he has certainly brain-washed quite a few people. There is no problem in saying Forza is a good racing game, but to say its realistic is just delusional.


1. Dude, Have you not been reading? I want to play both games...unlike you. Turn ten has not talked any Bullshit...they are very proud that they have been able to do in less than half the time, and only three games, what it took PD to do in 5 plus games. No, it goes deeper than that I say, And you are playing right into their little ruise...but thats another topic. Oh, hey, you never answered my question btw.

2. Dude, did it not occure to you that a well tuned Lemans car could actually stick to the road like a Formula One (BTW what little of the video I watched was not that outrageouse) infact...they do. As for the catipulting between cars...see my comment towards lestat.

3. How does that even apply? You used "think" instead of know...but the way you are talking, it's quite obviouse that you "think" you know that GT5 is WAY better that Forza3, if you were reffering to past games, I would agree with you for the most part, but between the two new games...there will be no huge differance to the average consumer other than name brand,. and what console it is on. I want both games, I am not too blind to see that they will both be great. I want to get a PS3 just so I can play GT5 (I have a soft spot for good NASCAR racing), I can see that there will be very little differance between GT5 and Forza3. I don't really care about the minor shortcomings of either game save to shit on the faces of fanboys such as yourself. I am able to see that both games are going to be freaking about you? My posting history in other threads...even in this thread shows that I am not a fanboy towards either on the otherhand, can't seem to say anything reasonable.


@ Lestat, I can respect your opinion, you don't strike me as a blind fanboy since you seem to realize that both games will be awsome. I have never played the GT series, but, I want to play GT5. I started playing on an Xbox, and just recently got a 360. Now I was repeating something I have heard a lot, that a Noob can win by bouncing off cars, it seemed very plausable since I have played other games where that was true when damage was off. You don't strike me as a how could you play like one??? Anyway, I can concied that I am wrong on this point as well (giving you the benefit of the doubt)...but I guess I am a fanboy because I am able to admit where I am wrong.


Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!