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Samus Aran said:


ironman said:
forest-spirit said:
+ Metroid Prime (Superb game, it has everything, great gameplay, I love the exploration. There, I can't say anymore, must save something for my next vote :p)
- Halo (Most disappointing, after FFXII. Maybe my expectations were to high...)

How was Halo so dissapointing? I bet you never played it, and know nothing about it other than it is uber popular.


+ Halo (do I need to explain again or can you look at my last post?)

- Metroid prime (once again, looks like it would be a fun game...but just doesn't have the story, graphics, or following that Halo had, so I must vote it down.)

Lol Metroid prime looks A LOT better then the first halo because of the great design art and halo has a story? Wow, didn't know... Seriously, the prime story is a lot better then the one from Halo... You probably don't even know how the story is told in the prime games or who metroid prime is. Seriously, play the game before you judge it because you clearly know nothing about it. Nintendo isn't going to spend $30 million just to promote metroid prime, so obviously it won't have the same following and it's a hardcore game unlike Halo which is casual--> More people buy it.



+ metroid prime (The game still looks great today and it has one of the greatest game world I've ever seen in a game. The design art is amazing and I had a wow feeling in a lot of places. It has a great story which is mostly told through scanning, so the story isn't forced on you unlike MGS4 LOL. The boss battles were also pretty cool but I found the metroid prime 2 bosses cooler though, but prime 1 is still one of the greatest games ever created. I just love to go to an alien planet where all inhabitants are DEAD XD, the isolation adds a lot to the great atmosphere the game has)

- Halo( it only became popular because it was the first great console fps, but it still sucks compared to pc fps...)

Sorry mate, but I already said Metroid prime looked like a pretty good game, I just don't think it was the best game last gen. I have never played it, and I already stated that as well, it can come in second place for all I care, I just don't believe it should be first just because of some art style (which I really didn't think was all that great, and art does not make a game better than another one, it's the overall experiance.) Sorry if it seems like I'm trolling it, but I think anybody here can see why I am voting it down.
Now, you just admitted you know nothing about didn't even know it had a story, which tells me you never played through the campaign, and havn't even read up on it (unlike me with Metroid prime) Also, you can't be seriouse about voting it down because it sucks compaired to PC FPS, This thread lists no PC games and therefore renders them pointless in this "poll" I really don't think Seece should count your vote for the sheer ignorance you show towards the game and your unwillingness to research it before you vote it down.
That having been said...

+ Halo

- Metroid prime (once again, great looking game, it just doesn't belong at the top of the list.)

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!