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mario64 said:
@gergroy : The only thing you can tell right now is there are many angry MS fanboys in this thread. If I'm so wrong, then why are you angry and why are you attacking me ? Why don't you debate instead ?

@Shadowblind : I answered, you must learn reading, I talked about exclusives, you listed multiplats. Try again.

@nightsurge : no, they're just better on PC. MLB09 on PSP is not the same game as MLB09 on PS3, even a retard can see that. Very weak fanboy argument again.

lol, I'm not really angry, and I'm not an ms fanboy in the least.  I just think it's stupid to argue against using the term exclusivity with 360/pc games but then turn around and call mlb09 an ps3 exclusive.  It isn't consistent in the least.

Also, I'm pretty sure what I'm doing is debating.  I'm not sitting here yelling at you and telling you how stupid you are.  I'm giving you examples of why you are wrong.  In other words, debating ;)

Also, most the people that are getting mad at you aren't even MS fanboys but multiplat owners like myself.  I'm guessing you only own a ps3, is that correct?