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mario64 said:
@Zizzla : weak argument really. In case you don't know, MS don't earn 1 $ when I buy a new PC game. Playing under Windows is free you know. Only the OS is paid once, and even then I don't know many people who don't use cracked Windows copies.

@FKN: I see more trolls on the MS side actually, all I say is facts is opinions, all I see is attacks against me. You're the trolls. I'm Mario not Tim by the way.

You are Tim.  You are also Manu, Tony, whatever other Spurs players, rodrz34, mario64, forza3_, frappz, etc. etc.

And you always say on every single account you made that there are more trolls/fanboys on the MS side when this entire site is proof that their are more Sony fanboys/trolls.  You offer opinions as facts and you constantly break forum rules.  You troll.  That is why you are banned so much and why we all dislike your presence here.  It ruins the perfectly good site we have here when whiny fanboys with no life (who are supposedly 34 years old) can't grow up and just leave us sane individuals to talk in a mature and friendly fashion.