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NorthStar said:
Yea HD-DVD is doing so well that Warner is now going to be selling dual format discs one side Blu-ray one side HD-DVD...

 Uhmm.. Warner never was an HD DVD exclusive studio, so that doesn't change a thing. Just makes things easier for them as they don't need to release two practically identical releases of the same movie on separate discs.

And for the matter of hybrid-players, Samsung announced that it will release a HD DVD/Blu Ray player this year, which supports all the fancy thingamajigs that both formats have (unlike the piece of.. from LG earlier). So if they don't screw the player up totally, I'm definitely getting one and buying my piece of total immunity from format war.

Oh and Samsung used to back Blu Ray only previously, but I suppose they realised that the war won't be over that soon after all. The model of the player is preliminary Duo HD BD-UP5000, incase you need a googled confirmation.