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SaviorX said:
routsounmanman said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Soriku said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
routsounmanman said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

It's not because the games won't sell, it's because nobody wants to make games on outdated hardware. That's really all there is to it. The PS2 was less powerful than the competition, but it was powerful enough.

Ahhhh, so that's why developers steer clear of the DS while opting for the superior PSP. Gotcha. I'll pretend DQIX never happened.

No, they avoid both.

Japan would like a word.

Okay, if power's not the issue, then why isn't Modern Warfare 2, Assassins Creed 2, Resident Evil 5, Bioshock 2, Street Fighter IV, UFC Undisputed, Tekken 6, Prototype, BlazBlue, Lost Planet 2, Red Faction: Guerilla, Fight Night Round 4 and just about every other 2009 multiplat title not getting a Wii version?

Wii sells more software than the other consoles, so we know that's not the reason.

Most of them, due to the demographic (i'm not talking about hardcore-casual shit, people didn't buy a Wii for violent games). Some of them, like RE5 or SF4, I really don't know.

I can assure you Nick, IF third parties SAW money in Nintendo's platform, they'd flock. They're into the business to satisfy their pockets, not you.

You'd be surprised how they will NOT flock to Nintendo's platform. They have consistently posted losses every quarter and their shift towards Wii support is unwavering. They'd rather fail while on the PS3/360 bandwagon than divert substantial attention towards the Wii. 


TheSource's graphs do not show WHICH TYPES of games are exactly going to the Wii right now.  The majority of this support isn't exactly something you or I may want to be associated with.

correction; they are dead blind.