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NorthStar said:
Yea HD-DVD is doing so well that Warner is now going to be selling dual format discs one side Blu-ray one side HD-DVD...that leaves only Universal I believe as the only major motion picture studio sell HD-DVD's right? Sony Columbia Tristar, Fox, and Disney all back Bluray only...seems like HD-DVD is on its way out if that trend doesnt change

 You think Warner doing that to hurt HD-DVD? They've made it clear from the beginning that they want BOTH to win. That will avoid a messy format war, delaying HD adoption. By supporting both, and allowing movies to work on both, they are giving people the option to have both, rather than choose. It's the same reason dual players are coming out.

 And saying that a few dual players won't do anyting is ignorant, since it's just the first year for both formats, and a lot of potential owners are stating they would prefer to have both rather than being forced to choose.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs