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I would be very surprised if the PS3 raced ahead of the Wii in 2008 or even 2009. This belief the great lineup of games will save the system is a bit misplaced I think. It reminds of Nintendo saying they would sell 50 million GameCubes once Zelda and Mario Kart joined Smash Bros., Mario Sunshine, and Metroid Prime. Whether the PS3 will even have a strong lineup of games will be decided this year.

If it doesn't start approaching the 360 (forget about the Wii) by the end of the year its 2009 3rd Party games will largely disappear. Except for multiplatform of course, but few are going to opt for a $560-660 GTA IV when they can get a $360-460 GTA IV. Sony's problem is that there are just not enough people out there who can afford a $600 video game system. By the time the PS3 gets to a price most people can afford (below $300) we'll be playing GTA V, FF XIV, RE 6, MGS 5, DQ X, etc. on the Wii primarily so it won't matter.

There's a special reason on the SNES came from so far behind, Nintendo had the 3rd party devs locked up, illegally as it turned out. Sony with its arrogance may have thought that it had 3rd party devs locked up, but it doesn't as we're seeing all too often these days. Unlike Sony fanboys they won't wait around until 2009 to see if the PS3 can become the first too expensive video game console to win.