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Xxain said:
Wii_Master said:
agreed and couldn't have said it any better
now what sony needs to do is get a new sku which doesn't have the blu-ray player in it which makes the price go down like a lot and then announce that for like 200 or at highest 250 and then bring out some legendary exclusives and then watch it rise although ninty and ms would counter especially ninty with NSMBWii Yay and in that case i'd buy wii over sony 200 or 250 console because of NSMBWii but back to the point thats wat they need so sony shut up about what u think and how u r in a different world then ninty and u are the leader cause u r not the leader ninty is and ms at second so shut up and do wat i just said now............

I do not believe more ppl did not respond to this

Unreasonable, pointless and downright stupid bashing of Sony is the new cool thing to do. We got used to it a while ago.